Design Trends You’ll See Everywhere This Year

Design Trends You’ll See Everywhere This Year

Interior design has a fresh look! After years of subtle trend changes, this year style gets a complete makeover. Spaces are being lightened, softened, and eclectic merging of styles encouraged. If you’re ready for a change, the good news is almost anything goes. Find the trend that suits you and experiment with new textures, colors, and styles.

10 Design Trends to Try This Year

  1. HomeOffice–Notsurprisingly,homeownersarecarvingoutspecified office and workspace.

  2. SeparatedRooms–Theopenfloorplansarenotexactlygone,butnew designs are separating spaces into separate areas.

  3. HouseplantsandIndoorGardens–Herbgardensandhouseplantsoffera soothing, natural environment.

  4. Rattan–Naturalmaterialsarehavingahugemomentandrattanfurniture and accents are everywhere.

  5. WoodGrain–Furnitureandcabinetswithstrongwoodgrainwarmup living and kitchen areas.

  6. Playgrounds–Backyardplaygroundshavebeentakentothenextlevel; offering private places for the kids to play.

  7. DarkandCoolPatios–Graysandblacksareshowingupinpatiofurniture, paint colors, and hardscapes.

  8. SmartBathrooms–Touchlessfaucets,Alexa-enabledshowerheads,self- cleaning toilets, and more.

  9. RetroStyle–Nostalgicstylesandcolorsareprevalentthisyear.Bold palates and updated retro furniture are fresh again.

10. Soft and Cozy – Layers of pillows, throws, and area rugs create an inviting room.

More than ever, home is a refuge. Now is the time to build a personal design that suits your lifestyle and theme. With eclectic options to suit any taste, home design has a fresh look.

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